Saturday, June 6, 2009

My Yellow Box Sandals

This is for you, Chrissy. Here are the pics of my yellow box sandals. Aren't they cute?? Thanks for discovering them, Mel. Too bad they hurt your feet. They feel great on mine, LOL.


Jaz said...

No website yet. Just got the laptop and internet this week, now I have to research whether to get an LLC or a "sole proprietorship", I'm getting mixed reviews. I'm planning on making more jewelry this week since my stock is getting pitifully low, then I can post much better pics on my FB albums now that I can use my real camera instead of my camera phone.

kirhart said...

Don't you love when that happens! Adorable shoes!

Melanie said...

I'm totally jealous! I should of just got them, they only hurt a little bit! They look adorable on your cute little feet! I added some news on my blog a little bit ago, check it out! Miss you!