Thursday, December 31, 2009

Guess who turned 30?

These are pics from my surprise party that was truly a surprise.

Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Bring on Christmas

We finally got our tree up and are ready for Christmas. Bring it on!

Friday, December 4, 2009

My kiddos making memories-Gingerbread houses

My beautiful wreath

I don't have a Christmas tree up yet but I do have my Christmas wreath up that mom and Dad bought me. I guarantee that it will cost more than my Christmas tree. I love it and am grateful that mom and dad bought it for me because Ray would have never let me spend that much money for a wreath. When I told him how much it cost, he told me that no wreath is worth that much money. (That's what he thinks! MEN!)

Loving the Snow!

Its has been snowing here since before 2pm. The kids love it and enjoyed it being the eason they got out of school early today. It feels like we are inside a snow globe.The snow is big pretty white flakes, so beautiful.