Thursday, February 5, 2009

Unexpected call from the school nurse

I should be doing my statistics homework but I'm relieving my stress through blogging. So beware of longer post than normal!! Rylee's nurse called me yesterday. She said, "Mrs. Ruggles, I just wanted to call you and tell you that Rylee is fine but she swallow a rock." I'm thinking ok.....The nurse went on to say that some kids were throwing rocks on the playground and somehow one ended up in her mouth and she swallowed one. (My thoughts..... Hummmmmmmmmm..... That sounds weird.....freak accident....wrong place, wrong time.....this only happens to Rylee) So I ask the nurse if I need to be concerned. She assured me that they have very small rocks on the playground and that she would pass it and probably not even notice it. Apparently, she told Rylee the same thing because Rylee told me there had been no sign of it in her poop. I did laugh because if you know Rylee stuff like this happens to her. Since I'm on the subject of school nurses, Tray called me from the nurses office today to tell me that his nurse said he could call me to come get him because he had a fever of 99. something. This wouldn't be the first time that Tray has gotten the nurse's permission to leave school because of some not so serious health problem. In fact, he hasn't acted sick at all since I've picked him up from school. She as told me on more than one occasion how cute Tray is. I think Tray has the wool pulled over her eyes. Tray had figured out from a early age that if you tell the nurse that your stomach hurts or that you have diaherra that you could get sent home without having any questions asked.

1 comment:

kirhart said...

Tray's attempt to "charm" his nurse in letting him go home had me laughing out loud! I know he's pulling a fast one cuz' he tried it on me a few times when I taught his primary class...and I almost fell for it!