Thursday, February 19, 2009

Mawmaw Gate

A week ago Tuesday, my great grandmother died. She was 97 years old. She is my mother's, father's, mother. Me and the kids went back home for the funeral this past weekend. I felt privileged to be able to say the closing prayer at her funeral. I learned some things that I didn't know before. My mom told me that she was the one who introduced my mother and her family to the gospel. For that I feel deeply in deeded. I also learned why we called her Mawmaw Gate. My mother called her husband Gate and since we had more than one Mawmaw we called her Mawmaw Gate and maybe it used to be mawmaw and Gate and then shorten to just mawmaw gate. I remember that when we went to her house when we were growing up, we had to wash our hands without the use of running water. She had a bowl, soap, and a pitcher of water and thats how we washed our hands. Other fond memories, included being fascinated by her rings. She wore rings on every finger except her thumbs. She always had her hair done and makeup on. My mom told me that she remembers that Mawmaw would light a match, blow it out, let it cold down, and then paint her eyebrows on with the black soot of the match. It's always said to lose a loved one but I'm comforted by the thought that life is much better where they are at now.

1 comment:

kirhart said...

So sorry to hear, but very touching story...well said.