Friday, December 19, 2008

Christmas parties at school

Tray and Rylee had their parties at school today. They "sugar them up" and then let you take them home-Thanks!


Melanie said...

Looks like fun! Teachers PRAY that the parents who go to the parties, take their kids home when it's over! Ha! Ha! Happy Birthday!!! I'm very sorry I missed calling you. I hope you at least got our card...and that you had a great birthday! See you in a few days! Congratulations on a completed semester and good grades. I have no idea how you did it on top of all of the other things going on in your life, like your family! Anyways, high five and keep up the hard work!!!

kirhart said...

AMEN!!! Gunnar was bouncing off the walls with the 7 christmas cookies he inhaled.