Friday, March 28, 2008

Brag Rights

This is a picture of Triston, aka Biddy, holding his potty chart. Every time that he uses the bathroom in the potty, he gets to put a sticker on his paper. Its not really the sticker that is the motivation for his using the potty. I made a new rule this week. The new rule is that he isn't allowed to play the PSP unless he is wearing big boy underwear. Apparently this is doing the trick because he has done so well over the past couple of day. I'm so proud of him and excited about the idea that we don't have to buy anymore diapers!

Today Triston and I went to both Tray and Rylee's schools to eat lunch. While we were walking into Rylee's cafeteria, alot of kids were saying"hi Rylee". Rylee told me that she must be famous. I asked her why she thought that she was famous and she said because everyone was telling her hi. (haha) We never know what will come out of her mouth. She is always full of surprises and thats what we love about her.

We are also very proud of Tray. We recieved the results to the reading part of his TAKS test yesterday and he only missed one problem out of the whole test. He has been making all A's at school and helps out alot around the house.

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