Wednesday, January 28, 2009

My Kids Say the Darnest Things!

The other day, Triston said he had the "hook ups" aka hiccups. I thought that was so cute. He also has his own word for polka dots. He calls them pappa dots. Tray used to do the same thing. In pre-k, he said the he had a little girl in his class named Medicine. Her name was Madison. He said his music teacher's name was Ms. Brookshires. Her name was Ms. Brewster.( Although he still calls the hamper the hamster.) In pre-k, Rylee told us the she had a girl in her class named Itzel. We thought of all the names that she could be like Isa bell, etc but come to find out that her name was Itzel. We are always surprised at what may come out of our children's mouths!

1 comment:

Melanie said...

That's funny! I had a friend in 5th grade named Itzel!!! :)

In answer to your question, the first thing that comes to mind is IN-N-OUT Burger. :) But that might be hard to do. :) Off the top of my head, here's a few suggestions:

Fruit (CA grows a lot of it)


Clam Chowder & French Bread (a popular favorite in San Fransisco)

McDonald's (the first one was opened in 1940 in CA)

Authentic Mexican food (more Southern CA near San Diego and the border of Mexico)

I hope this helps!