Monday, December 1, 2008

The Ruggles decorated their ghetto-fabulous Christmas tree!

We decorated our ghetto Christmas tree for family home evening tonight. I call our tree ghetto because its a pre-lit tree but none of the lights wanted to work so I went to Walmart today and bought strands of lights to put on our tree that already has lights that don't work. Old lights + new lights on top of = ghetto fabulous. The kids were so excited! And they actually think that it looks pretty and that all that matters, right?


Melanie said...

That's funny! I think it looks great too! I got all of my ornaments out today. I just need Jeff to help me get the tree up!

Melanie said...

Nice family picture! I want a copy...eventually I would like a wall of casual family pictures!

Ruggles family said...

I'll send you one. Isn't it funny that Ray's side of the fam chose the same thing to wear for fam pic as my side of the fam.